Realpolitik Order Format
by Don Hessong and Jim Van Verth

You can order units in Realpolitik by text entry or point and click. This document covers the format for text entry. See the Realpolitik Manual for more information on point and click entry of orders.

Text Entry

For text entry of orders, the format has to be right, but there is more than one right way with some things. As far as loading the orders goes, just copy the orders from whereever and paste them into the "orders" window or the map window. You can paste in orders for as many or as few units as you wish. You can also use the "Load Text" command, selecting an entire file from which to load orders.

Order files come in two flavors: Judge files and plain files. Judge files have a certain format, and for the most part you won't need to worry about modifying them to be read in -- you can even leave the mail headers.  Just make sure that you only have carriage returns at the end of lines, and you'll be fine.

Plain files (or pasted text) consist of only orders.  Any additional information (e.g. mail headers in a non-Judge file) will show up as an invalid order.  The one exception is the line '#! Resolved', which will mark the orders as being pre-resolved so that you can commit them. The orders are not case-sensitive. Excess space characters within the orders are ignored and will not prevent the orders from being read correctly.

Text Entry Format

The following nomenclature applies to the various orders.

Country - "Germany" or "German" etc. The name of the country which controls the unit being ordered, or it's adjective, spelled out completely.

Location - "Mun" or "Munich" etc. The accepted three letter abbreviation or the name of the space spelled out completely.

Destination - Same as "Location"

Coast - "(north coast)" "(nc)" "(n)" or "(northern)" etc. When coast designations are applicable, they are always in parenthesis and immediately follow the "Location" or the "Destination".

Unit Type - "A" "ARMY" "F" or "FLEET"

Note that all the following orders have "Country" as their first word.  You can also input orders in an alternate format, where you put "Country" on a line by itself, and any orders following will be assumed to be from that country.

Movement Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Move Order" "Destination"

Move Order = "->" "-" "MOVE" "MOVES" "M" "to" "moves to" or "attacks"

Germany A Mun - Ber

German A MUN -> Ber

Germany ARMY Munich to Berlin

French F mao -> spa(sc)


Hold Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Hold Order"

Hold Order = "HOLD" "HOLDS" or "H"

Germany A MUN HOLD

German ARMY Mun H


Support Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Support Order" "Country and order for the unit being supported, in the normal format"

Support Order = "SUPPORT" "SUPPORTS" or "S"

The orders for a unit supporting a unit contolled by a different country, may refer to the nationality of the foreign unit, but it's not required.

Germany A Mun S French A Par - Bur

Germany A Mun Support A Par - Bur

France A mar S F mao -> spa(nc)

Examples of support for a unit holding in place
France A mar S A bur Hold

France A mar S A bur


Convoy Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Convoy Order" "Country and order for the unit being convoyed, in the normal format"

Convoy Order = "CONVOY" "CONVOYS" or "C"

The orders for a fleet convoying a unit contolled by a different country, may refer to the nationality of the foreign unit, but it's not required.

German F bal C A pru -> swe

German F BAL Convoys Russia ARMY prussia to sweden


Retreat Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Retreat Order" "Destination"

Retreat Order = "->" "-" "MOVE" "MOVES" "M" "to" "moves to" or "attacks"

The format for Retreat Orders and the Retreat Orders themselves are the same as for Move Orders.

Russia A war to lvn


Disband Orders (during retreat phase) should be in the following format.

"Country" "Unit Type" "Location" "Disband Order"

Disband Orders (during retreat phase) = "DISBAND" or "DISBANDS"

Russia A War disbands


Build Orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Build Order" "Unit Type" "Location"

Build Order = "BUILDS" "BUILD" or "B"

Germany b army Munich

Germany builds A MUN


Remove Orders (during adjustment phase) should be in the following format.

"Country" "Remove Order" "Unit Type" "Location"

Remove Order (during adjustment phase) = "REMOVES" "REMOVE" "R" "DISBAND" or "D"

Russia d a lvn


Russia remove A LVN


Build Waived orders should be in the following format.

"Country" "Build Waived Order"

Build Waived Order = "BUILD WAIVED"



Note that all the above orders have "Country" as their first word.  You can also input orders in an alternate format, where you put "Country" on a line by itself, and any orders following will be assumed to be from that country.  For example:

F Lon->Nth

F Edi->Nrg

F Bre->Mid

This is exactly the format used by the orders window.

Unlike the judges, the path of convoyed armies does not need to be specified in the order for the army.

If a fleet can move to a space which has two coasts, even if it could only get to one of those coasts from it's current location, the order must designate which coast the fleet is moving to. Likewise you must include the coast of the destination space of the moving unit, within a supporting unit's order. Although it's not required in most cases to define the coast for the unit's originating space in the orders, not doing so will result in the resolve arrow for that unit originating from the army location of bi-coastal spaces rather than that coast's fleet location. It's generally a good idea to ALWAYS designate which coast applies for a unit's action regardless of whether the space is the unit's current location or destination and regardless of the type of order.

Locations have only two forms: full name and three-letter abbreviation.  In general the abbreviations used are the same as the Judge abbreviations, i.e. for the most part they are the same as the first three letters of the full name except:

EMS or Eas   = Eastern Mediterranean Sea
WMS or Wes = Western Mediterranean Sea

MAO or Mid  = Mid-Atlantic Ocean

Nth        = North Sea

Nwg or Nrg  = Norwegian Sea

NAO or Nat  = North Atlantic Ocean

NAf       = North Africa

Nor or Nwy  = Norway

Lvp or Lpl    = Liverpool

Lvn              = Livonia

Tyr or Trl    = Tyrolia

Tys or Tyn   = Tyrrhenian Sea

Crs              = Corsica

Bot or GoB   = Gulf of Bothnia

Lyo or GoL   = Gulf of Lyon

StP or St Pete = St Petersburg   (note lack of period)

In Aberration:

ebs     East Black Sea
ems     Eastern Mediterranean Sea

gob     Gulf of Bothnia

gol     Gulf of Lyon

pal     Palermo

plm     Palma Sea

nao     North Atlantic Ocean

nor     Norway

nmk     Norromark

nth     North Sea

nwg     Norwegian Sea

tyr     Tyrol

tys     Tyrrhenian Sea

wbs     West Black Sea

wms     Western Mediterranean Sea


Full name means
    North Atlantic Ocean

    Mid-Atlantic Ocean



    North Atlantic

©Copyright 2001 Don Hessong and Jim Van Verth
License Agreement